Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 326. We are supported by Pinnacle Church in Canton, NC.

Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 326. We are supported by Pinnacle Church in Canton, NC.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Just a reminder that if you are planning on going to the lost sea with us March 10 we need to have your money tomorrow night so we can make our reservations. $30.00 per person.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pine Wood Derby

Our Annual Pine Wood Derby is coming up on Feb 27. Keep working on your cars so you will be ready for RACE DAY!


I want to thank every one that came out to help serve at The Community Kitchen!
Ya'll are the GREATEST!
Thanks to all of those who could not be there for the prayers and support!
(P.S. if any one took pictures, please pass them along to me so I can add them to the blog)


We will be swimming this Saturday @ the Waynesville Rec. Center from 2 til 4 pm.
The cost will be:
Cubs and siblings up to 12 years old $3.00
Siblings 12 - 17 years old $4.00
Adults (Swimming) $6.00
(Watching) $1.00
We will meet in the lobby @ the rec center. Every one can pay as they enter.
We hope to see you there!

Scout Sunday

This coming Sunday, February 12th is Scout Sunday. All scouts and their parents are encouraged to attend the 11:30 service here at Pinnacle Church. Scouts are asked to be here by 11:00 to help park cars, hand out worship guides and to help with other activities prior to the service. We will all try to sit together during the service in the middle section. This is the one time during the year that we would like for you to attend services here at Pinnacle. I know that many of you have other Churches that you attend regularly and we do not want to keep you from those commitments but Scout Sunday is only once a year and we would like for our Chartering Organization to see just how many people we contact on a weekly basis through the Scouting program.
See you on Sunday!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Community Kitchen

Pack 326 will be serving a meal Feb. 6 at the Community Kitchen in Canton. Cub Scouts will need to arrive @ the Community Kitchen @ 4:00, we will not meet at Pinnacle tonight.
The meal will be prepared before we arrive. We will have to set up the dining area and serve the food.
I hope to everyone tonight!