Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 326. We are supported by Pinnacle Church in Canton, NC.

Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 326. We are supported by Pinnacle Church in Canton, NC.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Canton Christmas parade

We had a record group show up for the parade this year. We filled up 3 fire trucks and a large flat bed trailer pulled behind a truck. Thanks to all who showed up. We had a great time! I can't wait untill our next big event!

Pack Night

December 17, 2012 will be our Pack Night to give out awards that our cub scouts have earned over the last few months.

It starts at 6:30 at Pinnacle church. Bring a light snack or drink to share with the group.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Monday, October 15, 2012

2012/2013 Year

Hello Pack 326, I hope ya'll had a great summer! It was great to see all of the new faces last Monday for our new year. We'll have a lot of new Bobcat awards to present at our next Pack Nite.
See ya'll next Monday 10/22 @ 6:30

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Aug 3rd - 5th Pack 326 Camping Trip (Fri – Sun) and Tubing (Sat)

Camping – We would love for any Cub Scouts and their families to  join us
for the weekend or to just “hangout tubing” for the day on  Saturday.  This
is a family friendly camping experience and all family  members are welcome!
Again, we will be heading to Orchard Lake Campground in  Saluda, NC
(_www.orchardlake.com_ (
http://www.orchardlake.com) ) – we  had a blast the first
time! Please see web site for directions and  activities.  You must provide
your own transportation to and from the  campground/tubing and we will see
you at the campground either Friday evening or  Saturday morning or at the
tubing center Saturday at 11 am. (We have  reservations for four camping sites
next to the lake for Friday thru Sunday.)  The cost is $8.00 per person per
night (Payable to the campground, when you  arrive.)   This covers all
campground activities – see web site for  activities.  (All Cub Scouts must have
a parent/guardian present and  camping.) Cub Scouts and their families must
provide their own basic camping  equipment: tent, bedding, toiletries, etc.
Families/Scouts will be responsible  for their own food and drinks for the
weekend.  If fishing, please bring a  rod and bait.  If biking, please bring
a bike.  Any questions or  concerns, please contact Cub Master Will at
316-1379 or via e-mail at _willandheidi@aol.com_ (
mailto:willandheidi@aol.com) .
Tubing -  We will be tubing, just down the road, in Saluda on Saturday from
11 am to 4 pm.  It is a fantastic tubing experience!  The cost is $9.00 per
tube/person and  is payable to Green River Cove Tubing.  Please visit web
site for  directions and information (_www.greenrivercovetubing.com_
http://www.greenrivercovetubing.com) ).  Looking forward to seeing you at the
campground or on the river  tubing!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

July 18 Visit our Boy Scout Troop 326 at Camp Daniel Boone

See what boy scout summer camp is all about!!! Visit out Boy Scouts at Camp Daniel Boone for dinner and the evening camp fire. (Still not sure about the cost of dinner at camp) Eddie will meet you up there and give you the grand tour.You must provide your own transportation to and from camp.
Meet Eddie at the pavilion by the dining hall @ 5:30 pm. Any questions or concerns call Eddie 400-9537. (He will have limited cell service at camp, just leave a message and he will call you back)
This is a great opportunity to support our Boy Scouts and show the Cub Scouts how much fun Summer Camp can really be!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Do My Best: Calling all Cub Scouts and their Families!

Two options for the weekend of June 22-24th -
Option #1 - Jun. 22-24th        Camping – Pack & Troop 326 Camping Trip
          We will be joining up with our Boy Scout Troop for a family friendly summer camping trip at Orchard Lake Campground in Saluda, NC (www.orchardlake.com). Please see website for directions and activities.  You must provide your own transportation to and from the campground and we will see you at the campground either Friday evening or Saturday. (We have reservations for Friday thru Sunday.) Boy Scouts camp Friday through Sunday; however, if you can only make it Saturday until Sunday, we would still love to have you camping with us. The cost is $8.00 per person per night (Payable to the campground, when you arrive.)   This covers almost all campground activities – see website for activities.  (All Cub Scouts must have a parent/guardian present and camping.) Cub Scouts and their families must provide their own basic camping equipment: tent, bedding, toiletries, etc. Families/Scouts will be responsible for their own food and drinks for the weekend, with the exception of the catered BBQ dinner Saturday night.  We will have a BBQ dinner catered Saturday night at a cost of $6.00 per person. (Cubmaster Will needs to know a head count by Monday evening, June 17th. Either e-mail him at willandheidi@aol.com or call his cellphone at 828-316-1379.)  If fishing, please bring a rod and bait.  If biking, please bring a bike.  Any questions or concerns, please contact Cubmaster Will. Looking forward to seeing you at camp!! 

Option #2 - Jun 23rd              Asheville Tourist Game and Camping

Friday, April 27, 2012

Cub/Parent Weekend

Our annual Cub/Parent weekend is this weekend @ Camp Daniel Boone. We will meet @ Camp Daniel Boone @ 11am.
Don't forget your fishing pole!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Cub Scout Camporee

The cubs will be camping @ Camp Daniel Boone April 28-29.
If you are interested in joining us please contact Will Hicks @ willandheidi@aol.com or give him a call 316-1379.
We hope to see you there! Have a GREAT DAY!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Whittling Chip

Monday night March 26 the Bears and Weblos will be working on earning their whittling chip. We will have an activity for the Tigers and Wolves.

We hope to see you tomorrow night!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Just a reminder that if you are planning on going to the lost sea with us March 10 we need to have your money tomorrow night so we can make our reservations. $30.00 per person.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pine Wood Derby

Our Annual Pine Wood Derby is coming up on Feb 27. Keep working on your cars so you will be ready for RACE DAY!


I want to thank every one that came out to help serve at The Community Kitchen!
Ya'll are the GREATEST!
Thanks to all of those who could not be there for the prayers and support!
(P.S. if any one took pictures, please pass them along to me so I can add them to the blog)


We will be swimming this Saturday @ the Waynesville Rec. Center from 2 til 4 pm.
The cost will be:
Cubs and siblings up to 12 years old $3.00
Siblings 12 - 17 years old $4.00
Adults (Swimming) $6.00
(Watching) $1.00
We will meet in the lobby @ the rec center. Every one can pay as they enter.
We hope to see you there!

Scout Sunday

This coming Sunday, February 12th is Scout Sunday. All scouts and their parents are encouraged to attend the 11:30 service here at Pinnacle Church. Scouts are asked to be here by 11:00 to help park cars, hand out worship guides and to help with other activities prior to the service. We will all try to sit together during the service in the middle section. This is the one time during the year that we would like for you to attend services here at Pinnacle. I know that many of you have other Churches that you attend regularly and we do not want to keep you from those commitments but Scout Sunday is only once a year and we would like for our Chartering Organization to see just how many people we contact on a weekly basis through the Scouting program.
See you on Sunday!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Community Kitchen

Pack 326 will be serving a meal Feb. 6 at the Community Kitchen in Canton. Cub Scouts will need to arrive @ the Community Kitchen @ 4:00, we will not meet at Pinnacle tonight.
The meal will be prepared before we arrive. We will have to set up the dining area and serve the food.
I hope to everyone tonight!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Monday, January 30 we will be meeting at the Waynesville Roller Skating Rink located beside Waynesville Cycle Center.

Every one is WELCOME! The cost is $3.00 per person (Possibly $2.50 if Will can work it out)
We will meet there at 6:30 PM. We can skate as long as we want to. They will have games for all skaters and they are going to help us meet the requirements to get a Roller Skating Belt Loop!


Balloon Derby

We had our first balloon derby last Monday. It was a Blast for every that attended.

Congratulations to our winners, Toby Hendricks, Brently Radder and Mateo Bondurant!