Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 326. We are supported by Pinnacle Church in Canton, NC.

Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 326. We are supported by Pinnacle Church in Canton, NC.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Do My Best: Calling all Cub Scouts and their Families!

Two options for the weekend of June 22-24th -
Option #1 - Jun. 22-24th        Camping – Pack & Troop 326 Camping Trip
          We will be joining up with our Boy Scout Troop for a family friendly summer camping trip at Orchard Lake Campground in Saluda, NC (www.orchardlake.com). Please see website for directions and activities.  You must provide your own transportation to and from the campground and we will see you at the campground either Friday evening or Saturday. (We have reservations for Friday thru Sunday.) Boy Scouts camp Friday through Sunday; however, if you can only make it Saturday until Sunday, we would still love to have you camping with us. The cost is $8.00 per person per night (Payable to the campground, when you arrive.)   This covers almost all campground activities – see website for activities.  (All Cub Scouts must have a parent/guardian present and camping.) Cub Scouts and their families must provide their own basic camping equipment: tent, bedding, toiletries, etc. Families/Scouts will be responsible for their own food and drinks for the weekend, with the exception of the catered BBQ dinner Saturday night.  We will have a BBQ dinner catered Saturday night at a cost of $6.00 per person. (Cubmaster Will needs to know a head count by Monday evening, June 17th. Either e-mail him at willandheidi@aol.com or call his cellphone at 828-316-1379.)  If fishing, please bring a rod and bait.  If biking, please bring a bike.  Any questions or concerns, please contact Cubmaster Will. Looking forward to seeing you at camp!! 

Option #2 - Jun 23rd              Asheville Tourist Game and Camping

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